Post by Jessie O'Devlin on Jul 12, 2011 13:45:02 GMT -5
Form Completed By: William & Erika O'Devlin
[ O' D E V L I N , J E S S I C A ]
[ n a m e ]Jessica (Jessie) Riley O'Devlin
[ a g e ]sixteen
[ y e a r ]junior
[ b i r t h d a y ]June 17th
[ h e i g h t ]5'6"
[ w e i g h t ]116 lbs.
[ a p p e a r a n c e ]Tall and slender, Jessie is quite honestly a beautiful girl with her long, dirty blonde waves and her soft brown eyes. However, some question if she's too thin. She likes to keep some muscle on her, but she feels too much makes her look butch. She also has a few minor scars from this, that, or the other, but one on her lower left back stands out.
[ b i r t h ]A few days late due to long labor.
[ p a r e n t s]William Ryan O'Devlin - 49 - bank CEO
Erika Rose O'Devlin - 46 - photographer
Ryan Henry O'Devlin - 21 - law student
[ h o m e t o w n ]Des Moines, Iowa
[ i l l n e s s ][ RAPE VICTIM ]
On her sixteenth birthday, she and her boyfriend were spending time together watching a movie. They went to a party, he started drinking, and she said no. It hadn't been the first time he'd hit her, but it was the first and last time he'd forced her to have sex with him.
She began to refuse food when she was twelve, always looking at the magazines with pretty girls. She hadn't been overweight in the first place, but she thought this would help smooth out her tummy and tone her thighs. She got help when she was almost fifteen, but the damaging relationship with the boy who raped her sent her back into turmoil.
This is how the therapists have chosen to group her when it comes to her trust issues. They've only been recently surfacing, but it's given her three major anxiety attacks already. It's provoked by physical closeness to, well, anyone, but especially males.
The anorexia was discovered once when she was fourteen, but her parents began noticing it again six months ago. The rape occured when she turned sixteen, a few weeks ago, and the panic disorder was "diagnosed" just a while ago.
[ a d d i c t i o n ][ MALE FRIENDS ]
Despite her issues with physical closeness, Jessie can't socialize properly with females. She's addicted to the protection she feels when she is with male friends, but then her anxiety gets in the way. Only a few guys have been able to accept this and help her through with this, so it's not an addiction she can always get her fix with.
[ c r i m i n a l r e c o r d ]None.
[ c h i l d h o o d ]Up until the age of ten, Jessie led a perfectly normal and happy childhood. She did well in school during this years and was generally a normal child. After that, things went downhill as she became more exposed to social media. She began to doubt her appearances, her behavior, and even her family's dynamics. This didn't depress her ever, because it was enforced in her by her parents that whatever you wanted, you had to work to get. This led to her anorexia and eventually her abusive relationship.
[ e d u c a t i o n ]Jessie has always maintained good grades, usually in AP classes. With the good ethics instilled by her parents, she knew she had to do well in school to do well in life.
[ p r e f e r e n c e ]Heterosexual.
[ f r i e n d s ]She only had one or two female friends at home, but the majority of her friends were male. Not because she was a tom-boy, but because they didn't care about her trust issues or her anxiety. They kept her eating sometimes, too, because they told her she was pretty. It sounded different to her coming from them compared to her fellow females.
[ h e l p ]She will accept help on her anorexia, but she refuses to face her anxiety or trust issues that was caused by her rape.
[ e v e n t]She didn't admit to her parents that she had been raped, but as soon as she did, they sent her here. She didn't put a fight, thinking it was just for her relapsing anorexia.
[ g r o u p ]Emotional Illness or Sexual Degenerate, as her anorexia should be easier to keep under control
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